As a resource for researchers who want to explore the data on their own or conduct their own analyses, the Pathways Clearinghouse publishes a set of Excel files that contain the data published on the website in spreadsheet form. There are three files, each of which presents a segment of the data.

These three files are accompanied by a codebook that lists the fields and describes the data included each data file.

  • The study-level file includes descriptive information on each study, including the services provided in the intervention and comparison groups. Each row of the file represents a single study that the Pathways Clearinghouse reviewed. This file does not include information about the individual findings or impacts.
  • The study outcome-level file describes the impacts on earnings, employment, public benefit receipt, and education and training outcomes for all studies with a moderate or high study quality rating. Each row of the file represents a single finding or impact from a study that the Pathways Clearinghouse reviewed and rated high or moderate.
  • The intervention-level file includes information on each intervention, aggregated from the individual studies of that intervention. Each row of the file represents a single intervention for which the Pathways Clearinghouse has assigned effectiveness ratings for each outcome domain.

If you have questions about these files, contact