Filtering results

Use the filters to search for interventions that improve specific labor market outcomes, serve specific types of clients, include specific services, or meet other criteria. Use the dropdown menus to select filters and then click Apply to view the interventions meeting those criteria.

In general, your search results will include interventions that meet ALL of your selected filter criteria. For example, if you select Case management and Soft skills training as the services interventions should provide, your search will return interventions that provide both services. If your search returns five or fewer interventions meeting all of your filtering criteria, a second table will display interventions that meet some of your filtering criteria and may also interest you.

Some of the filters are grouped and you can select either the group’s primary overarching filter or the more specific secondary filters. If you select the primary filter, your search results will include interventions that meet any of the more specific filter criteria within the group. If you select some or all of the more specific filters, your search will return interventions that meet all selected filter criteria. For example, Employment coaching and Job search assistance are both grouped under Work readiness activities. You can select the primary filter, Work readiness activities, to see interventions that deliver any of employment coaching, job search assistance, or job development or placement services. Alternatively, you can select Employment coaching and Job search assistance to view the interventions that deliver both employment coaching and job search assistance.

Most interventions deliver multiple services and when you filter for specific services, the search returns any intervention that delivers those services, regardless of how many other services the interventions deliver and whether the selected services are major components of the intervention. Alternately, you can limit your search to interventions where the selected service is the primary service, meaning that it is the central component of the intervention. Each intervention has one primary service.

Sorting results

The interventions that meet all or some of the filters you selected are displayed in two tables and sorted by their effect on earnings, by default. Choose from the drop down menu or click on the column headers to sort the interventions by the effectiveness ratings assigned in one of the other outcome domains or to sort alphabetically by intervention name. The second table can also be sorted by relevance to bring interventions that best match your criteria to the top of the list.

Comparing results

Select up to three interventions and click Compare Selected to see more information about their populations, setting, and effectiveness, side-by-side.