Interventions serving young adults: implementation and outcomes
Understanding the way an intervention is implemented can help practitioners decide whether it is likely to have similar effects if implemented in a new setting. Exhibit 1 lists 14 interventions for young adults including their primary services, settings, populations, and their effectiveness by outcome domain.
Exhibit 1. Interventions serving young adults: characteristics and effectiveness.
Intervention | Services | Settings | Populations and employment barriers | State(s) where implemented | Term | Increase earnings | Increase employment | Decrease public benefit receipt | Increase education and training |
Bridges to Pathways (Bridges) | Education, Case management, Job search assistance, Soft skills training, Work readiness activities, Work and work-based learning, Health services, Subsidized employment, Supportive services | Urban only | Young adults (aged 16-24), Former incarceration, Male, Justice system involvement, Less than high school diploma or GED | East North Central, Illinois | Short-term | $21 | 16% | 4% | |
Long-term | $-1,527 | -1% | |||||||
Broadened Horizons, Brighter Futures (BHBF) | Case management, Work experience, Unpaid work experience, Apprenticeships, Work and work-based learning, Training, Supportive services, Soft skills training, Financial incentives, Financial education, Employment retention services, Job development/job placement, Job search assistance, Work readiness activities, Employment coaching | Urban only | Disability(ies), Young adults (aged 16-24) | South Atlantic, Florida | Short-term | $2,196 | 3% | $-80 | 1% |
Long-term | $2,238 | 3% | $558 | ||||||
Job Corps | Training, Supportive services, Soft skills training, Substance use disorder treatment and mental health services, Physical health services, Health services, Education, Job search assistance, Work readiness activities, Occupational or sectoral training | Tested in multiple settings | Young adults (aged 16-24) | Short-term | $-795 | 4% | $-85 | 9% | |
Long-term | $711 | 1% | $-47 | ||||||
JOBSTART | Training, Job search assistance, Work readiness activities, Work experience, Unpaid work experience, Occupational or sectoral training, Supportive services, Soft skills training, Financial incentives, Education, Job development/job placement | Urban only | Young adults (aged 16-24), Less than high school diploma or GED | Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Georgia, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, California | Short-term | $0 | -1% | $50 | 6% |
Long-term | $1,213 | -1% | $19 | ||||||
Los Angeles Reconnections Career Academy (LARCA) Program | Education, Job development/job placement, Job search assistance, Work readiness activities, Work experience, Work and work-based learning, Occupational or sectoral training, Training, Supportive services, Soft skills training, Financial education, Case management | Urban only | Less than high school diploma or GED, Young adults (aged 16-24) | Pacific, California | Short-term | $-1,067 | -1% | $272 | 3% |
Long-term | $-2,740 | -4% | $-28 | ||||||
National Guard Youth ChalleNGe | Education, Work readiness activities, Soft skills training, Case management, Job search assistance | Tested in multiple settings | Less than high school diploma or GED, Young adults (aged 16-24) | East North Central, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, South Atlantic, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, East South Central, Mississippi, West South Central, Texas, Mountain, New Mexico, Pacific, California | Short-term | 11% | |||
Long-term | $2,991 | 6% | |||||||
Transition WORKS | Work readiness activities, Employment coaching, Work experience, Unpaid work experience, Apprenticeships, Work and work-based learning, Soft skills training, Financial incentives, Financial education, Employment retention services, Case management, Job development/job placement, Job search assistance | Tested in multiple settings | Young adults (aged 16-24), Disability(ies) | Middle Atlantic, New York | Short-term | $188 | 3% | $-58 | 28% |
Long-term | $1,673 | 1% | $173 | ||||||
Urban Alliance’s High School Internship Program | Work experience, Supportive services, Soft skills training, Financial incentives, Financial education, Case management, Work readiness activities, Subsidized employment, Work and work-based learning, Job search assistance, Training | Urban only | Young adults (aged 16-24), Less than high school diploma or GED | East North Central, Illinois, Michigan, South Atlantic, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia | Short-term | 1% | |||
Long-term | |||||||||
Vocational Coaches to Enhance Multisystemic Therapy for Emerging Adults (MST-EA) | Employment coaching, Work readiness activities | Tested in multiple settings | Young adults (aged 16-24), Mental illness, Former incarceration | East North Central | Short-term | 12% | |||
Long-term | |||||||||
Year Up | Job development/job placement, Job search assistance, Soft skills training, Work readiness activities, Sanctions, Work experience, Financial education, Work and work-based learning, Education, Occupational or sectoral training, Training, Supportive services | Tested in multiple settings, Urban only | Young adults (aged 16-24) | New England, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Middle Atlantic, New York, East North Central, Illinois, South Atlantic, District of Columbia, Georgia, Pacific, California, Washington | Short-term | $-16,859 | 4% | 5% | |
Long-term | $7,154 | 0% | |||||||
Year Up Professional Training Corps (PTC) | Supportive services, Job development/job placement, Job search assistance, Education, Work readiness activities, Work experience, Work and work-based learning, Occupational or sectoral training, Training, Soft skills training | Tested in multiple settings | High school diploma or GED, Young adults (aged 16-24) | New England, Massachusetts, Middle Atlantic, New York, Pennsylvania, East North Central, Illinois, South Atlantic, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Virginia, West South Central, Texas, Mountain, Arizona, Pacific, California, Washington | Short-term | $-9,496 | 0% | ||
Long-term | |||||||||
Young Adult Internship Program (YAIP) | Work experience, Work and work-based learning, Supportive services, Soft skills training, Financial education, Employment retention services, Case management, Job development/job placement, Job search assistance, Work readiness activities, Subsidized employment | Urban only | Young adults (aged 16-24) | Middle Atlantic, New York | Short-term | $1,464 | 8% | 1% | |
Long-term | $523 | 2% | |||||||
YouthBuild | Training, Job search assistance, Work readiness activities, Work experience, On-the-job training, Work and work-based learning, Occupational or sectoral training, Supportive services, Soft skills training, Health services, Financial incentives, Employment retention services, Education, Case management | Tested in multiple settings | Young adults (aged 16-24) | New England, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Middle Atlantic, New Jersey, New York, East North Central, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, West North Central, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, South Atlantic, District of Columbia, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, East South Central, Mississippi, Tennessee, West South Central, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Pacific, California, Oregon, Washington, Puerto Rico and Island Areas, U.S. Virgin Islands | Short-term | $-126 | 1% | $105 | 2% |
Long-term | $1,360 | 4% | $33 | ||||||
YVLifeSet | Case management, Supportive services, Soft skills training | Tested in multiple settings | Young adults (aged 16-24) | East South Central, Tennessee | Short-term | $1,569 | 4% | $138 | 3% |
Long-term | $544 | 3% |