View definitions of terms used throughout the Pathways Clearinghouse.
Decrease long-term public benefit receipt
Reduction in the percentage of people receiving public benefits or the value of their benefits between 18 months and 5 years after participants are offered intervention services.
Decrease short-term public benefit receipt
Reduction in the percentage of people receiving public benefits (such as TANF, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and so on) or the value of their benefits during a period 18 months or fewer after the participant first received intervention services.
Decrease very long-term benefit receipt
Reduction in the percentage of people receiving public benefits or the value of their benefits more than 5 years after participants are offered intervention services.
Developmental intervention
Interventions that, to date, have no available research findings regarding their effectiveness, but for which research studying their effectiveness is underway. The effectiveness rating applies to the entire intervention and not to specific outcome domains.