View definitions of terms used throughout the Pathways Clearinghouse.



We have strong and consistent evidence that the intervention produces favorable results for a specific outcome domain, such as short-term earnings. These interventions have at least two impact studies of moderate or high quality that show evidence of favorable findings within the domain. However, because implementation challenges and successes often vary, and because no two implementations of an intervention are identical, Pathways Clearinghouse users should not view this rating as a guarantee of future success.

Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)
Please see "The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)."
Work experience

Work that is paid or unpaid, such as internships or community service jobs. Work experience may be an intervention's primary service.

Work experience and work-based learning

Any paid or unpaid work or learning experiences that occur in a work setting. Work experience and work-based learning may be an intervention's primary service.

Work readiness activities

Services designed to help job seekers find a job that are not related to education or training. These can include initial assessments to identify employment barriers, formalized assessments to identify skills and interests, help designing a resume and cover letter, job search assistance, or help developing an individual employment plan. Work readiness activities may be an intervention's primary service.