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EfA, a program offered by Jewish Vocational Service in Boston, promoted the economic mobility of limited English speakers by providing English instruction and workforce development services.

EfA provided vocational English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), including lessons focused on answering job interview questions, communicating in the workplace, and finding a job. EfA participants attended classes for 2 to 12 months, depending on their skill and education level. About 24 months after the program’s start, evaluators followed up with participants to assess participants’ employment and earnings. To be eligible for the program, individuals needed work authorization documents, availability to attend EfA’s classes, a Social Security card, and the desire to obtain a job. Jewish Vocational Service recruited from several cities in Massachusetts. The study was conducted as part of the Massachusetts Pathways to Economic Advancement evaluation study, and it was one of the first programs to focus exclusively on workforce development in English-as-a-second-language learners.

Populations and employment barriers:

Effectiveness rating and effect by outcome domain

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Outcome domain Term Effectiveness rating Effect in 2018 dollars and percentages Effect in standard deviations Sample size
Increase earnings Short-term Little evidence to assess support favorable $920 per year 0.044 790
Long-term Supported favorable $2,615 per year 0.125 790
Very long-term No evidence to assess support
Increase employment Short-term Supported favorable 6% (in percentage points) 0.139 790
Long-term Supported favorable 6% (in percentage points) 0.145 790
Very long-term No evidence to assess support
Decrease benefit receipt Short-term No evidence to assess support
Long-term No evidence to assess support
Very long-term No evidence to assess support
Increase education and training All measurement periods No evidence to assess support

Studies of this intervention

Study quality rating Study counts per rating
High High 1

Implementation details

Cost information

The average cost per participant was $5,027 in 2018 dollars.

This figure is based on cost information reported by authors of the study or studies the Pathways Clearinghouse reviewed for this intervention. The Pathways Clearinghouse converted that information to a single amount expressed in 2018 dollars; for details, see the FAQ. Where there are multiple studies of an intervention rated high or moderate quality, the Pathways Clearinghouse computed the average of costs reported across those studies.

Cost information is not directly comparable across interventions due to differences in the categories of costs reported and the amount of time interventions lasted. Cost information is not an official price tag or guarantee.

Local context

Characteristics of research participants
Black or African American
White, not Hispanic
Unknown or not reported
Hispanic or Latino of any race

The Pathways Clearinghouse refers to interventions by the names used in study reports or manuscripts. Some intervention names may use language that is not consistent with our style guide, preferences, or the terminology we use to describe populations.