Core EHS services, the early childhood developmental program services typically provided in pre-existing EHS programs, included intensive early childhood development services, family support, and health and mental health services. The program enhancements included partnerships with local agencies that provided employment and training services, on-site self-sufficiency specialists who worked directly with families on setting and achieving self-sufficiency and employment goals, and training for EHS child development staff on providing self-sufficiency support for EHS families.
All services were available at participants' homes or at the EHS center. Families that participated in enhanced home-based services received visits from child development staff up to four times a month. Families that participated in enhanced center-based services were required to have four parent education meetings per year.
All Enhanced EHS intervention participants could receive early childhood development services and employment and training services. Families were eligible for Enhanced EHS if they (1) were at or below the federal poverty threshold, (2) had a child younger than 3 or were expecting a child, and (3) lived in one of the areas served by the program. The average family participated in the enhanced program for 11 months. The program took place in south eastern Kansas and eastern Missouri.