Six to seven weeks after submitting a UI claim, participants were required to report to a job service orientation session. After orientation, they completed a one-on-one assessment of their aptitude and interests and participated in a 15-hour job-search workshop. Participants were required to have at least two additional contacts with staff after these initial activities to report on their job search progress.
On average, participants completed the program about two months after they began receiving UI benefits. A two-stage screening process first screened out UI claimants who were unlikely to face long periods of unemployment, then used a model to predict which remaining UI claimants were most likely to receive long-term UI based on the local unemployment rate and the claimant's education and previous job tenure, occupation, and industry. The individuals identified as most likely to exhaust their UI benefits through this screening process were selected to participate in the demonstration program.
In addition to fulfilling the usual requirements for UI, individuals in this program were required to complete SJSA to continue receiving their full UI benefits.
SJSA was implemented in Washington, DC, and in 10 UI offices throughout the state of Florida. SJSA was in the same evaluation as two similar programs for UI claimants: Individualized Job Search Assistance (IJSA) and IJSA with Training (IJSA+).