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Key Elements of Employment Programs; Strategies from the Field for Identifying, Implementing, and Sustaining Core Components
Brief | November 2022This brief is designed to provide guidance for employment service providers and other human services agency staff about strategies to qualitatively identify core components of interventions and processes and methods that have been used to identify, document, and implement the core components. -
What Works During Economic Recessions and Recoveries? Evidence from the Pathways Clearinghouse - Brief
Brief | November 2021This brief presents evidence about the effectiveness of interventions to improve employment outcomes for people with low incomes during different economic conditions. -
Lessons Learned Delivering Remote Services to Job Seekers with Low Incomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Brief | July 2021This brief describes lessons learned from three organizations that adapted existing interventions to remotely provide work readiness activities or education and training services to job seekers with low incomes.
Event recordings
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Updates from the Pathways Clearinghouse: Using Implementation Details
Event recording | July 2021This webinar highlights ways TANF administrators and other service providers can use information on the Pathways Clearinghouse website to find evidence-based interventions and their implementation details. -
Linking Evidence to Practice: OPRE's New Pathways to Work Evidence Clearinghouse
Event recording | March 2021On October 22, 2020, the Pathways Clearinghouse team and stakeholder experts participated in a plenary session at the 20th Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (RECS). The discussion featured an overview of the Pathways Clearinghouse, a demonstration of the website, and perspectives from researcher and practitioner stakeholders. -
Using Evidence to Make Decisions about Employment Programs
Event recording | March 2021On October 26, 2020, the Pathways Clearinghouse hosted a webinar for policy experts and stakeholders who provide guidance on research evidence to state, local, and federal officials.
Evidence snapshots
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Evidence snapshot | November 2024This Evidence Snapshot describes the effectiveness of programs that were identified by the Pathways Clearinghouse as using education as their primary service. It summarizes what we know about these programs and their impacts so Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and other program administrators, policymakers, researchers, and the general public can apply the evidence to… -
Career Pathways
Evidence snapshot | September 2024This Evidence Snapshot outlines the effectiveness of programs that follow a career pathways framework, offering education, training, and support to help participants attain higher credentials and better job opportunities, as identified by the Pathways to Work Clearinghouse. Career pathways typically include connections to employment opportunities through partnerships with employers… -
Occupational and Sectoral Training
Evidence snapshot | July 2024This Evidence Snapshot describes the effectiveness of programs providing occupational and sectoral training as their primary service, as identified by the Pathways to Work Clearinghouse. These programs prepare participants for jobs or sectors such as truck driving, welding, health care, or manufacturing.
Standards reports
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The Pathways Clearinghouse Guide for Researchers
Standards report | January 2022This guide is designed to help researchers and research funders better understand the Pathways Clearinghouse and its standards and processes for selecting studies for review, assigning study quality ratings, and assessing the evidence of effectiveness for an intervention. -
Protocol for the Pathways to Work Evidence Clearinghouse: Methods and Standards
Standards report | March 2020This report provides a protocol for the Pathways Clearinghouse review to promote consistency in review procedures and findings, and describes the methods and standards used by the Pathways Clearinghouse team to answer the research questions of interest.
Synthesis reports
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Digging Deeper into What Works: What Services Improve Labor Market Outcomes, and for Whom?
Synthesis report | August 2022This report synthesizes the information in the Pathways Clearinghouse database to provide evidence on the likelihood that specific interventions, services, and combinations of services are likely to improve labor market outcomes for different groups of people. -
Pathways Clearinghouse: Overview of the Research
Synthesis report | March 2022This report summarizes the interventions and services examined by the Pathways Clearinghouse, and provides background information about how the Pathways Clearinghouse obtained those findings. -
What Works to Improve Employment and Earnings for People with Low Incomes
Synthesis report | March 2022This report synthesizes the information in the Pathways Clearinghouse database to provide evidence on the effectiveness of interventions and services that can help people with low incomes succeed in the labor market.
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Using Intervention Details from the Pathways Clearinghouse to Make Decisions
Videos | May 2021This video is designed for those who want to navigate the Pathways Clearinghouse to find details about interventions and describes how to use information about intervention content, effectiveness, and implementation to make decisions. -
Pathways to Work Evidence Clearinghouse
Videos | April 2020This introductory video highlights how decision makers can use the Pathways Clearinghouse to identify interventions that aim to improve employment outcomes, reduce employment challenges, and support self-sufficiency for populations with low-income, especially Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and other public program recipients.