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Study of Re-Integration of Ex-Offenders (RExO) Program
Study quality: High
Study publications:
Leshnick, Sengsouvanh, Christian Geckeler, Andrew Wiegand, Brandon Nicholson, and Kimberly Foley (2012). Evaluation of the Re-Integration of Ex-Offenders (RExO) program: Interim report, Oakland, CA.: Social Policy Research Associates. Available at
Wiegand, Andrew, and Jesse Sussell (2016). Evaluation of the Re-Integration of Ex-Offenders (RExO) program: Final impact report, Oakland, CA: Social Policy Research Associates. Available at
Wiegand, Andrew, Jesse Sussell, Erin Valentine, and Brittany Henderson (2015). Evaluation of the Re-Integration of Ex-Offenders (RExO) program: Two-year impact report, Oakland, CA: Social Policy Research Associates. Available at
Intervention: Re-Integration of Ex-Offenders (RExO) Program