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Study of Individualized Job Search Assistance with Training (IJSA+)—Washington, DC
Study quality: High
Study publications:
Decker, Paul T., Lance Freeman, and Daniel H. Klepinger (1999). Assisting unemployment insurance claimants: The one-year impacts of the Job Search Assistance Demonstration, Washington, DC: Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.
Decker, Paul, Robert Olsen, Lance Freeman, and Daniel Klepinger (2000). Assisting unemployment insurance claimants: The long-term impacts of the Job Search Assistance Demonstration, Washington, DC: Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. Available at
Study of Individualized Job Search Assistance with Training (IJSA+)—Florida
Study quality: High
Study publications:
Decker, Paul T., Lance Freeman, and Daniel H. Klepinger (1999). Assisting unemployment insurance claimants: The one-year impacts of the Job Search Assistance Demonstration, Washington, DC: Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.
Decker, Paul, Robert Olsen, Lance Freeman, and Daniel Klepinger (2000). Assisting unemployment insurance claimants: The long-term impacts of the Job Search Assistance Demonstration, Washington, DC: Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. Available at