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Study of Project NetWork Case Management—Recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) only
Study quality: High
Study publications:
Kornfeld, Robert and Kalman Rupp (2000). The net effects of the Project NetWork return-to-work case management experiment on participant earnings, benefit receipt, and other outcomes, Social Security Bulletin 63(1):12-33. Available at
Kornfeld, Robert, Michelle L. Wood, Larry L. Orr, and David A. Long (1999). Impacts of the project NetWork demonstration: Final report, Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates.
Intervention: Project NetWork Case Management
Study quality: High
Study publications:
Kornfeld, Robert and Kalman Rupp (2000). The net effects of the Project NetWork return-to-work case management experiment on participant earnings, benefit receipt, and other outcomes, Social Security Bulletin 63(1):12-33. Available at
Kornfeld, Robert, Michelle L. Wood, Larry L. Orr, and David A. Long (1999). Impacts of the project NetWork demonstration: Final report, Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates.
Intervention: Project NetWork Case Management
Study of Project NetWork Case Management—Supplemental Security Income (SSI) applicants
Study quality: High
Study publications:
Kornfeld, Robert and Kalman Rupp (2000). The net effects of the Project NetWork return-to-work case management experiment on participant earnings, benefit receipt, and other outcomes, Social Security Bulletin 63(1):12-33. Available at
Kornfeld, Robert, Michelle L. Wood, Larry L. Orr, and David A. Long (1999). Impacts of the project NetWork demonstration: Final report, Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates.
Intervention: Project NetWork Case Management